My sweet little baby turned 4 months old this weekend. YAY! In celebration, I wanted to post about her daily schedule, in hopes of helping someone navigate life with their 3-4 month old!
Reagan is... how do I put this delicately? A HORRIBLE NAPPER. She sleeps consistently through the night, but wants to stay up aaalll day without a wink of sleep. I always thought my child would sleep when she was tired, but no such luck! I have put up my dukes and show up every day armed with a few tools and a plan for the day to get her to nap successfully. Some days, it actually works! And some days end with both of us in tears... haha but I am proud to say that there are many more smooth days than tough ones as of late.
After many days of Reagan crying and crying and NOT napping around the 2.5/3 month mark, I searched the internet for a solution. I came across many schedules that just looked absolutely NOTHING like my little one's (complete lack of) schedule.
PAUSE. I would just like to say that before Reagan entered this world, I thought that I was completely equipped to be a mother. I had experience (almost 4 years!) of nannying, and I started babysitting at age twelve. I have always loved kids, playing, the excitement of teaching them, and going on adventures! Fast forward to about day 1 with reagan. Since then, breastfeeding, multiple trips to the ER, constant worry, and inconsolable screaming & crying all showed me exactly how novice I truly am. JOY! More to learn ;)
UNPAUSE. The internet mostly had nothing encouraging to offer, but what I DID find useful was an article that talked about how long a little 2-4 month brain can truly stay awake. 1-2 HOURS! I was shocked. That seemed like A LOT of napping! Especially for my little marathon baby. It also mentioned an eat, play, sleep routine which I would soon find to be my bread and butter.
So off we went, to try the routine that I was admittedly unconvinced of. And what do you know, I found that Reagan was getting fussy right at the 1 hour 30 minute mark. It was like clockwork!
Eventually, we fell into a groove and this is what it looked like! (*It should be noted that this is a good day! Reagan is a baby, so her days vary greatly, but I would say this is a good example of the rough routine we try to stick to.) If you are struggling with this issue, I hope this helps! Every baby is different, but I always find it helpful to see how other moms are getting by!
6:00 AM: Reagan wakes up! Mommy rolls out of bed to get the little stinker.
6:30 AM: Reagan is ready for a baba! She downs 6 ounces of formula because she is so hungry from championing through the night.
7:00 AM: Play time! Reagan lays contently at her activity mat and is still too groggy to start bein' feisty! This has become one of my favorite times of the day. It's peaceful and I'm with my girl.