Learning How to Love Life and Yourself
This month I set out to focus on love and charity through my scripture study and personal journey, and I had no clue what was in store for me. Every month I encourage those of you who are following along to pick an intention- a motto for the month if you will- that is within the realm of the month's Christlike attribute. Admittedly, I struggled to find my intention but ultimately settled on the very broad intention of "keeping my heart open".
The intention definitely morphed into something totally different as the month continued.
I have to admit that this month was kind of a dud for me as far as "blogging" goes. This is my first blog post for the month... and it's July 31st. Yikes. When you have a baby crying in pain and you are trying to troubleshoot- nothing else really matters (p.s. she's doing a lot better guys!). But I did still take the challenge I gave myself; to grow in Love & Charity, and to keep my heart open.
As I went about my month of LOVE, I felt pulled to the topic of self love and personal freedom. My intention became clear... Love Yourself.
Love myself, Lord? Seriously? But I have a daughter I need to love. A husband. Family, friends, neighbors. Shouldn't I be the last one to worry about? NO. The answer came back loud and clear. Loving yourself is just as important (dare I say more important?!) as loving everyone else.
Being a first time mom does things to you. Wonderful things. Nasty things. Confusing things. But most mommies I've talked with share with me an overwhelming sense of self doubt. Can I do this? Am I doing the right thing? Why can't I figure out what's wrong with my baby? Am I doing something wrong? Am I doing anything right? The tough times of being a mom, so far, have come at 3am, when my baby wont stop throwing up, i've tried EVERYTHING, I'm wondering what ELSE am I doing wrong? And then babes and I have a good crying sesh together.
But what I've learned this month, is that as long as you are doing your best (nothing more, nothing less!), and you are in tune with the promptings you get as a mom, woman, human being, you are a freaking rockstar!
Love yourself. Get to know yourself. Take 30 mins to an hour (Yes 30 mins to an hour, I know it's hard but you need it and it's possible!) and do something to feed your soul. Read an uplifting book, study scripture, journal, do yoga, go to target alone... everyday! Ok, except the going to target thing. Don't do that every day. Bad idea. Take my word for it.
Another thing I have clung to in my readings this month is a newfound urge to LIVE life. Don't rush through your life! Yeah, chores have to be done. Babies need to be fed. Dinner has to be made, and errands have to be run. But don't let these things dictate your life! Take time to enjoy it. To see the peaceful look on your babies face while you feed her. To notice the beautiful sky on the drive to the store. To take in the yummy smells of dinner and feel the excitement and anticipation of dad coming home! I vow to focus on the beautiful parts of daily life, and not the mundanity of it.
So, whoever you are- wherever you are... take a deep breath. YES, right now! Remember the things you are doing exceptionally at, because you are exceptional. Do the things you love. Spend time with the people who matter. Because, in the end, don't you want to have lived a life you enjoyed? A life of purpose and love?
You are doing great. Love yourself, because you do deserve it.
Book Recommendations!
Present Over Perfect By Shauna Niequist
I'm almost finished with this book and it speaks to my soul! Shauna bravely tells her personal story of self discovery, and how she found more through less. I got my copy at Hobby Lobby, but you can get yours here
Highly Recommend!!!
The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book by Don Miguel Ruiz
This book is awesome! Gives insight to ancient Toltec ways that we can totally learn from. It covers 4 agreements that we can make with ourselves to create personal freedom and happiness. Use your word for good. Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best! Disclaimer: If you aren't into more abstract and, for lack of a better phrase, the "hippie" mindset, this book isn't for you. I didn't agree 100% with all views, but found it to still be extremely enlightening! Find it here.