The Moment My Life Changed Forever


Sure, according to the president, it's awesome. But sometimes change can be a little overwhelming and scary. Recently, I've experienced all of the good and bad that comes with change… and seemingly all at once.

The biggest change of my life came with the courting and dating between my husband and me.

Here's a little backstory on your's truly. Ever since I became a teenager, boys weren't exactly lining up to date me. I've always been a very independent person, so it didn't wear and tear on me TOO much (don't tell the best friends that I whined to as a teen I said that), but it definitely did work on my self esteem as a young girl and seemed to carry on into womanhood. At the age of 22 I still couldn't understand why the guys I liked didn't want to date me. I had never had a single boyfriend, and I was 22 years old! That really hurt me. Although- knowing where my life headed after that… I feel completely blessed for the time I got to grow and experience the world as a single woman for so long. I thrived off of love from family and friends, and I learned to grow accustom to an independent life without a significant other.

The change came on July 22nd when David took me on our first date. Almost instantly I knew that my life had changed forever

I knew that I had strong feelings and a definite connection to David. I knew that we were supposed to be together at that specific time and place. But then something weird started to happen. After just weeks of courtship I started to love him and care more about his welfare and happiness than my own. Within 7 weeks, we were engaged. Suddenly I had another person aside from myself whom I was fully invested. Someone I wanted to share everything with. He in return cared for me and wanted the best for me. He wanted to know that I was safe, he wanted to know how my day was, he wanted to do things for me.

WOAH. That was new for me. 

Talk about change. 

I was completely overjoyed to have someone love me unconditionally like that. And it is the biggest blessing in my life. However, at the risk of sounding selfish, it took some getting used to. I had a hard time letting someone do things for me. I had a hard time being thoughtful and in tune to another persons feelings and needs. Thankfully, I married an extremely patient and understanding man! I thank Heavenly Father for him daily, because he has taught me so much. Marriage has taught me so much.

I'm worthy of David's love. He deserves to love me and serve me. He definitely deserves to be thought of, served, and cared for- and I will, and have, grown from loving and serving him.

The biggest change in my life has made me infinitely better, stronger, and more selfless. Change is necessary and makes us stronger. Putting my husband before myself has changed me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. My marriage is my absolute favorite thing on this earth, and even though it hasn't always been easy for me- it is the best thing I have ever done. 

I am so thankful for the lessons I've learned and the person I know I can be.

Here's to change, trials, and triumphs.