The 5 Simple Items You Need Before Baby

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We've bought a LOAD of stuff for Reagan. When people tell you babies ain't cheap, THEY AREN'T KIDDIN'. There are some things that I NEVER use, and some things I absolutely could not survive without. Here's my small list of big time favorites to make sure you have before baby arrives!

*This is an unsponsored post- I just really love these items! 

1) Rock N Play

This one was something my best friend sent to me before Reagan was born. I was a little confused by it when it came. Is it a bouncer? A bassinet? A swing? Well, actually it's like an amazing hybrid of all coveted baby items! I'm 99.9% sure a mom invented this thing. I used the Rock N' Play A TON when Reagan was a newborn. Since they pretty much just want to chill, sleep, eat, and poop for the first 2 months- this is a great place to be able to set your baby down, awake or asleep. You can rock your baby too- and there is even a version that rocks on it's own! One of our favorite features was the vibration switch- though we found our baby woke up once it ran it's 30 min course, so we learned to only use it in desperate situations.

This is the Rock N' Play as it comes.

This is the Rock N' Play as it comes.

This is how we made it more cozy for R! (With supervision!)

This is how we made it more cozy for R! (With supervision!)

The brilliance of the Rock N' Play comes from the way it hugs the baby- unlike a bassinet or crib. A quick warning though- i still used the bassinet for night time sleep, and I would seriously recommend that... unless you don't mind going through some seeerrriousssss crib transition drama. I have also heard risks of babies getting flat head from being in the RNP too much. As long as you ALSO hold your baby and let her sleep in a bassinet or crib, I think you will be just fine! Another thing we did was drape comfy blankets over the RNP lining so it would be more cozy, and baby would have more padding. The manufacturer DOES NOT recommend this, but we used our own judgement on this one. Since we used larger blankets that hung well over the side, away from the face, and we were always watching when she was in the Rock N' Play- we felt like it was totally safe.

2) Woombie

We discovered this handy gadget late in the game- and I really wish we would have introduced it sooner! Reagan absolutely needs to be swaddled to fall asleep (a habit i am really looking forward to breaking... sense the sarcasm?). And I found that I could never leave her (not even with her daddy) because I was the only one that could swaddle her tight so she could nap! Therefore, we went in search of a solution and found this bad boy. It is a swaddle pouch with a zipper. We loved it, though as she gets more curious and tricky with her hands, she has been peeking her hand out of the top, making it obsolete for us. Darn it. But I highly recommend this product! Start using it early!


3) Lavender Essential Oils

I have never been one to believe in the "healing powers of essential oils" and to be honest, I still highly believe in modern medicine over oils in most cases. HOWEVER. Lavender essential oils have literally been magic for me when it comes to Reagan. They work as a natural sleep aide for her and truly calm her! It is incredible. While I still think, like, seriously- go to the doctor if you have an infection or illness... I have been converted to the subtle but helpful effect that essential oils can have on our moods. They also just smell stinkin' good too! I use DoTerra Lavender EO on Reagan (diluted with fractionated coconut oil -in a roller) OR I use a drop of undiluted oil on her sheet, blanket or swaddle. But to be real, I use a lower quality brand in my diffuser because I went for quantity over quality- and I really just view those as room scents.


4) Activity Mat

Play time for baby! We went through so. many. products. trying to find something that Reagan liked. She wasn't fond of the swing. Would only tolerate the bouncer if it was, well, err... bouncing. She was bored just laying on the floor. So even though my home had become a full out Gymboree, at 2 months we opted to buy ANOTHER baby product and got an activity mat. I am so glad we did! Reagan first just loved looking at all the toys. Then she started reaching for them, then grabbing and pulling them! Now she's content there for up to 45-60 mins and I can actually get some chores done! This is also great for their motor skills! Highly recommend!

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5) Moby Wrap

This thing SAVED MY SANITY in the early months!! Reagan would often refuse to nap... or would wake up the second I put her down so that I could, you know, go pee or brush my teeth. On the tough days, I would put her in her Moby Wrap and she would instantly fall asleep. I could then get a few (quiet) things done too! It was my saving grace. It also came in handy when we weren't at home but needed her to nap. It became her little safe haven from all of the noise and excitement of the outside world. Sidenote- I tried not to use this every time I wanted her to nap because I felt like she would rely too heavily on it. 



Bonus item!! ;)

6) Probiotic Drops

We also had problems with Reagan getting upset tummy and gas. She would spontaneously cry in pain and be so uncomfortable!

After trying literally EVERYTHING, we found 2 things that worked. Switching to an organic sensitive formula, and giving her daily probiotic drops! I truly think these things made all the difference. 


So there you have it! Everything you wont be able to live without when baby comes. I hope this post helps you prepare for the wonderful beautiful and amazing rollercoaster you are about to embark on!  Having tiny humans is the toughest, most incredible job on the planet and I hope these items help make it a little easier.

What are the items you can't live without as a mama? Tell us in the comments!



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