Alex Lemley

(909) 561-5118


The meaning behind the words...

Hi, I'm Alex.

I'm a newly married, baker and hand letterer. I love watching cookies bake, hoarding every pen I can get my hands on, yoga, leggings, and my incredibly BLESSED life!

Welcome to my crazy little creative space! Here you'll find lots of hand lettering and my navigation through this crazy life. I also have a blog, where I occasionally post my adventures and new findings on life. 

I hope you like sweets and pretty things! And if you do... let's be friends! 


+ Contact me for collaborations, custom lettering, or to just chat!


Follow me on instagram @thecandiedlemon

Why "The Candied Lemon?"

What's the meaning behind the name? As bizarre as it sounds, a lemon symbolizes the start of my new life. 

When my sweet husband asked me to go on our first date, he took me to a restaurant in Provo, UT called La Jolla Groves. This restaurant was very unique because it's ceiling is covered in leaves and lemons, simulating lemon groves. I was surrounded by hundreds of lemons when my life changed forever. Ever since then, lemons have reminded me of my sweet husband and our special bond and story. These special lemons are my ironic reminder of the sweetness life brings.